
Mick Janaway a self-made entrepreneur found himself at deaths door when he contracted a lethal bacteria on his skin called Streptococcus. Rushed into hospital for a life saving operation, Mick recovered and became focused on preventing infection on him and his family at all times. On a recent trip the USA, he discovered a small piece of metal that was attached to a bathroom door and his life changed forever.

On return to the UK, Mick met with his mentor Graham Toomey and his friend and business partner Darren Longley to discuss this simple, yet life changing innovation that he had seen. The boys decided that they had a new mission in life: To bring StepNpull® to the UK and Europe and help prevent the transfer of nasty bacteria for millions of people around the world.

Graham an entrepreneur like Mick and Darren a successful importer of Chinese goods put their (very clever) heads together and flew straight over to the US to meet with the owners of StepNpull. After lengthy meetings and flights across the Atlantic the boys were ready to begin their journey into the world of a hands free door opener.

Be it for prevention of bacteria transference, the need to keep themselves and their families healthy and happy, or indeed the foresight to fill a problem in the world, the trio have set their new targets on changing the way we use bathroom doors.

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